According to science, jogging every 1 hour increases life expectancy by 7 hours.

The oldest marathon finisher, Fauja Singh, was 101 years old and completed a 10km run in 1 hour 32 minutes! Running will not only help you lose unwanted weight and help you get in better shape, but it can also give you many more years to your life.

There are some people who love to jog every day, but even if you are one of those people who really don’t like running, you should still join because the benefits it brings are unbelievable.

A study done 3 years ago showed that people who ran for at least 5 minutes a day still had a longer life and it was also shown that it was the only exercise that reduced the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. and all other reasons..

Running is the most effective way to exercise and for every 1 hour of running, a person’s life expectancy will be increased by 7 hours. That’s the conclusion of a just-published study based on a massive survey of data from a large number of volunteers.

The results showed that compared with non-runners, runners tended to live up to about 3 years longer, even when they ran slowly, sporadically, and excluding smoking, drinking, or staying awake. night and these benefits are unheard of in other sports.

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Jogging can prolong your life.

A study done 6 years ago showed that people who ran for at least 5 minutes a day still had an extended life and it was also shown that it was the only exercise that reduced the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. and all other causes.

In that study, it was shown that runners had a 30% and 45% lower risk of cardiovascular death, as well as an extended life benefit of 3 years. It has also been proven that one hour of running every day equals 7 more hours added to our lives.

Running reduces the risk of life-threatening events.

Overall, the new study reinforces the findings of previous research. The results of the data analysis show that running, whether measured in terms of speed or distance run, reduces the risk of premature death by 40%. 

This still holds true when scientists take into account the effects of smoking, drinking or running health problems such as high blood pressure or obesity. Next, the scientists also found that the volunteers who did not run in previous studies, if they later formed the habit of jogging, the mortality rate was reduced by 16%, and the risk of heart attack was also reduced by 16%. mortality was also reduced by 25%.

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The researchers also estimate that every hour of jogging will bring the runner more hours of life. In a previous study, the average person’s running time was about 2 hours per week, and based on that, the researchers estimated that a typical runner would probably spend a total of 6 months jogging. for 40 years and this will increase their lifespan from 2.8 to 3.2 years.

The study also revealed that walking and cycling also have benefits on longevity but not to the same extent as running. And they also found that running for long periods of time, intensely or for long distances did not have the opposite effect of prolonging life. According to the team, the life-extending effects were most effective when running for four hours a week.

Running should be combined with a healthy lifestyle.

However, it’s important to note that the findings in this study are relative, meaning that it’s the runners who tend to live longer, not that running directly increases life expectancy. your.

Exercise must be taken seriously because, according to a medical study published in The Lancet, inactivity is dangerous as it causes 1 in 10 deaths worldwide.

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Of course, being active on its own is not enough for a truly healthy and long life, those who combine it with a healthy diet will reap the most benefits.

Here are some great examples of how running changes lives.

Running changed this woman’s life. She has lost 141kg to 61kg.

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110kg to 65kg. Pictured on the left is her doing her first 5k marathon, which took 37 minutes, and on the right is 17 months later when she completed the 21k marathon in 1 hour 51 minutes.

Will you try to include more running into your lifestyle after reading this article? Share it with us and let’s motivate each other together!